Thursday, March 7, 2013

Inspiring quotes #2

Last week I decided to do something different.. share my love for quotes with you all. They weren't all super serious (we can't be serious 100% of the time- in fact I'd rather not) and some were more of just quotes I really enjoy.

So I am back this week to share some more.. hope you don't mind!! I have a super huge love of quotes and enjoy it if even just one of them inspires you.. or reminds you that you are someone special.

Quote Of The Day
so true.  {here}
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A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.
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Sometimes we just need little reminders- to take time to sleep, laugh, smell the roses.. whatever we need to refocus and tell ourselves to MOVE ON, that we are all IMPERFECT and to LOVE OURSELVES ANYWAY, it is OK to FALL APART, and to just ENJOY life however we can.
I think too often as women we get caught up in the every day to do lists- paying bills, cooking meals, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, the this that and the other thing that we forget. We forget all the things we are blessed with. That we can't please every one, can't be everywhere at once, and sometimes we need reminded that we are AMAZING in our flaws. 


Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said... [Reply]

Great quotes - all good to be reminded of :-)

Maria said... [Reply]

i LOVE that first one...isn't it so true. we can't spend our lives living in the past to move forward. ever. thanks for sharing, jodi! i hope you're having a great day! xoxo